Outdoor Vitals Altitude Sun Hoodie 25% OFF Sale
“JW Schmotzer is a participant in the Outdoor Vitals Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to their websites.”
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Let me be clear about something: unless someone else is applying it to me, I simply don’t wear sunscreen. That’s just the reality of my situation. Thankfully, I don’t burn easily, and it’s incredibly rare for me to get a bad sunburn. However, one of my favorite outdoor gear companies has made a sun hoodie that you’ve got to check out.
To be honest, I haven’t gotten the Altitude Sun Hoodie by Outdoor Vitals yet, but my order is on the way, and that brings up why I’m writing this blog today: the Altitude Sun Hoodie by Outdoor Vitals is currently on sale at a generous 25% OFF, but you won’t find the deal if you look on their website - but you will if you click on my links to the Altitude Sun Hoodie by Outdoor Vitals while the promotion is active.