My Etsy Shop Grand Opening Featuring The Woodsman's Essential Oil Kit Plus
I’m pleased to announce the opening of my Etsy shop!
Currently I have listed a selection of lip balms, lotion bars, salves, and my favorite product: the Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS.
For those of you who don’t already know, my Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS is the evolution of years of research and experience testing herbal products for use in the outdoors, and what I’ve come up with to sell and share with all y’all is exactly what I trust in my own kit.
Basically, the Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS consists of four roller ball bottles that each contain a liquid that I use for specific issues that commonly occur when I’m camping, hiking, backpacking, practicing bushcraft, or most any other situation in the outdoors.
The Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS was named that because it utilizes essential oils, but to think that it’s just an essential oil kit would be incorrect since one of the four bottles included in the kit doesn’t have an oil in it of any kind.
You see, there are many people who absolutely love essential oils, and many of these people correctly dilute their essential oils in what is commonly called a “carrier oil.” I don’t like calling them carrier oils for many reasons, as really the distinction is between volatile oils and fixed oils. Essential oils are volatile oils, and so-called “carrier oils” are fixed oils.
Let’s use olive oil as an example of a fixed oil. What a lot of people do is add essential oils to olive oil to dilute the essential oils, and in that case, they are thinking that the olive oil is a “carrier oil” because it contains or is “carrying” the essential oils. However, I’d like to point out two things: first, olive oil has its own healing benefits, so simply thinking of it as a “carrier” seems to minimize the goodness of the olive oil. Second, if olive oil is good enough to “carry” the essential oils, why not load up the olive oil with actual herbs - not just essential oils?
This is where what I do is often different than what a lot of die hard essential oil folks do, as to me the essential oils aren’t really the main attraction. Rather, I infuse a fixed oil with herbs, and then I add essential oils that compliment the actions of the now herbally infused oil.
Rethinking “Carrier” Oils…
Why not infuse an herb like Calendula into your oil before adding essential oils?
Affiliate Link Warning :)
Affiliate Link Warning :) 〰️
If you’d like to learn more about fixed oils, I wholeheartedly suggest Power of the Seed by Susan Parker, who I consider my mentor on the subject, to learn more about herbs and how to infuse them into oil, I recommend Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech, if you want to dig deeper, consider a course from The Herbal Academy, and if you need a solid source of high quality herbs, fixed oils, and essential oils, check out Mountain Rose Herbs.
If you follow any of these links, I am an affiliate, so if you buy something I will receive a small commission at no extra expense to you.
Thank you!
And Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program...
And Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program... 〰️
So, when it comes to my Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS, the PLUS part basically indicates two things: first, the fourth bottle doesn’t include any oils in it at all - neither fixed nor volatile, and second, all of the fixed oils are infused with the herbs that really are the stars of the other three bottles.
Let’s get into the bottles, and I’ll explain why I created them and how I use them!
The first bottle in the kit, on the far left, begins with infusing Calendula and Plantain into Fractionated Coconut Oil. There are better options, in my opinion, than using Fractionated Coconut Oil in terms of what the oil can do for you, but in the case of this kit, the reason why I chose to use Fractionated Coconut Oil is because it stays liquid, which is important when using roller ball bottles, and more importantly, Fractionated Coconut Oil has a very long shelf life, which means that you can buy this product without fearing that it’ll go rancid quickly. To the Calendula and Plantain infused Fractionated Coconut Oil I add an essential oil blend that I find very useful for First Aid purposes. This bottle gets the most use from me, and I use it on cuts, scrapes, scratches, bug bites and stings, and various rashes. It’s probably good for most common boo boos.
The second bottle in the kit, second from the left, is really very simple, but it’s very effective. It consists of Lavender buds infused into Fractionated Coconut Oil and then topped off with Lavender essential oil. I’m telling you, if you like Lavender essential oil and simply dilute it in a “carrier oil,” you’re really missing out by not diluting it with a Lavender infused oil. This bottle is my go to for minor burns like when my hand briefly hits a hot oven rack and the burn just smarts with that annoying pain that just won’t go away and continues to linger. I’ve found Lavender to be very useful for this purpose, but to it, I’ll add two more uses that I think make this bottle multipurpose. First, I often find it most difficult to fall asleep the first night out camping, but if I put some of this under my nose, the Lavender can have a calming effect that helps me to relax before bedtime. Second, in the case of serious situations where shock is a concern, the soothing properties of Lavender may help to keep someone calm, and in those cases, even the smallest victory is still a victory!
The third bottle in the kit, third from the left, is also very simple. It’s peppermint infused Fractionated Coconut Oil with Peppermint Essential Oils. This bottle really only serves one main purpose for me. Often when I’m camping I’ll be up late sitting around a fire, and often, when I wake up in the morning I’ll find my nose kinda messed up because of breathing in all of that smoke. I apply this bottle directly under my nose, and I find that it helps me breathe much better, plus the peppermint is slightly invigorating, which I welcome first thing in the morning.
The fourth bottle in the kit, all the way to the right, is some truly special stuff. It’s inspired by a rather famous liniment recipe by Jethro Kloss found in his book, Back To Eden, and let me tell you - this is not a bottle that you ever want to use, but if you have to use it, you’ll be glad that you have it. I created this formula in case I fear infection. I’m talking about a nasty dog or raccoon bite or something like cat scratches while out in the woods. If I were at home I’d clean the wound with soap and water and then soak the area (if possible) with a decoction of Yarrow or Chaparral, but out in the field, this bottle is pretty potent for its size. A liniment works in this case because the liquid base is 91% Rubbing Alcohol, which in itself will kill germs, but because of the high alcohol content, the liquid will quickly evaporate leaving behind the herbs that it was infused with: Echinacea, Chaparral, Myrrh, Oregon Grape Root, and the combination of Cayenne and Habañero powder. These herbs remain on the skin and continue to do their thing long after the alcohol evaporates.
I’m not gonna lie, the Disinfecting Liniment is gonna sting on an open wound, and because of the combination of Cayenne and Habañero peppers, please, for the love of all that is holy, do not get this in your eyeballs! Also, continued used of this product may result in undesirable effects, so I strongly suggest using only as much as needed to initially disinfect a wound and not applying the liniment again unless absolutely necessary. Trust me, with the testing that I’ve done, just take my word for it - don’t use this product unless you have to and if you do, only use the minimum amount necessary! Don’t be scared to use it, but absolutely be responsible if you do!
As I like to say:
What you put on or in your body is YOUR responsibility!!!
I could go on and on with stories about the Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS, but I want to leave you with just one:
A number of years ago I was car camping with a slew of friends at a local campground when I heard a child screaming bloody murder. When the kid wouldn’t stop, I started look toward their campsite and deduced that there must’ve been some kind of boo boo, so I walked over to talk to the parents and see if there was anything that I could do to help. After finding out that the cause of the crying and carrying on was the result of the child getting a minor burn from their campfire, I told the parents that I had a product that I made for just such a circumstance and asked if they’d be willing to try it. After they agreed, I went back to my campsite, grabbed my Woodsman’s Essential Oil Kit PLUS, and I explained to the parents about the bottle of Lavender. Then I gave the uncapped bottle to the child to roll over his or her burn (I don’t remember if it was a boy or a girl), and IMMEDIATELY the child stopped crying. Now, could that be some sort of placebo effect or other psychosomatic incident? Maybe, but I think that the Lavender oil did exactly what I created it to do. The parents thanked me, and I told them to keep that bottle and let the kid apply more as often as necessary. Often I’d be concerned with essential oils and children, but I think that Lavender is so gentle that I wasn’t really worried about it. They thanked me again, and on my walk back to my campsite I thought to myself that I’d need to remember to replace that bottle with a new one when I got home. When I got back to my campsite, I could finally continue drinking moonshine in peace…
The products and statements made about specific products on this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Any testimonials on this site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.”