Celebrating 100 Nights on my Teton Sports XXL Cot!

Celebrating 100 Nights on my Teton Sports XXL Cot!

Unboxing videos are sometimes exciting to watch, but if you really want to know about a product it’s gotta be used - a lot…

I haven’t been keeping precise records, but I’m confident that I’ve now slept in the Teton Sports XXL Cot over 100 times. Combined with last year, even the most conservative estimate will put me at over 100 nights already. All of that’s to say that I think that I’m in a decent enough position to speak about the Teton Sports XXL Cot from experience - not just a one night stand.

If you go to my YouTube channel you’ll find many videos where you’ll see the cot - and quite a few where I talk about it, so why am I writing about it, too? Well, according to the YouTube analytics, more people have watched videos about the Teton Sports XXL Cot than any other of my videos, so it’s obvious to me that people are interested in it.

Now, to be sure, this Cot is NOT for everyone, but for me, I couldn’t be much happier with it.

Perhaps I’ll start with who this cot is NOT for, because if it’s not for you there’s not much sense reading any more of this post. This cot is big, and it’s bulky. That rules out backpacking with it unless you’ve got a pack animal. Its size may also not be a good fit for someone of a smaller stature, though its size may accommodate multiple people depending on their size.

Who is this cot for? In two words: Shaquille O’Neal. Well, his feet may hang past the cot, but still…it’s just about long enough, it’s wide enough, and it’ll hold that much weight. Having said that, this cot still isn’t for backpacking - even for my man, Shaq.

This cot is great for car camping, and it also works nicely at home when there are guests.

Get yours today!

I do want to list some pros and cons, though:

The size - it can be both a pro and a con…it’s HUGE. It takes up almost half of my 8x8 canvas wall tent, which is fine, but a smaller size would suffice for me, too. My advice is to make sure that you really want a cot this big before buying it; if you do want a cot of this size, go for it!

The legs of the cot are strong and sturdy, which is a pro, but there’s one thing that I know from experience: make sure that they are properly fit together BEFORE putting weight on them! I’ve learned that lesson the hard way. Just take the extra 2 seconds to make sure that they’re fitted, and you’ll be fine.

Finally, I want to fully disclose that I am an Amazon affiliate, but please believe me when I say that I’m only linking to this cot because I’ve used it and love it!


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